
Proofreading and editing services

When you have read and re-read a text over and over, it can be very hard to find mistakes or to see clear ways to improve the flow of a sentence or paragraph. This is why proofreading and editing are vital for almost any type of written content, whether it is a dissertation, a press release or the copy of your website.

When your peers or clients are reading your work, they will be able to spot whether your content is well-written and error-free. If your content sounds clumsy, is difficult to understand or has spelling mistakes, this will have a negative impact on your audience. Simply put, if you do not care about your own content, why would you care about them?

Adding an extra pair of eyes to your texts will not only help you correct potential errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation, but it will improve the flow, readability and structure. Our experienced proofreaders and editors can help you if you are a:

  • Business
  • Student
  • Author
  • Academic
  • Professional


Proofreading helps you identify errors such as typos and hyphenation, corrects inconsistencies in terminology, uses a better sentence structure or avoids the overuse of the passive voice. It doesn’t always involve major changes to a text, but it ensures your texts are error-free.

All our proofreaders are native speakers and university graduates and have a vast experience providing proofreading services in different fields of study. Our proofreaders check and correct:

  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Grammar and syntax
  • Style and tone
  • Consistency


Editing is the process of improving a text. It covers all the aspects of proofreading such as spelling and grammar, but it goes one step further to ensure the meaning and ideas in a text are conveyed in the best possible way for the target audience.

Since editing involves looking at the content itself, we have a team of editors with subject matter expertise in different areas and we always assign the text to a language professional who understands your industry. Our specialized editors:

  • Revise sentences for clarity and concision
  • Restructure the text to improve the flow
  • Ensure the tone of voice matches its target audience
  • Apply your preferences and/or style guide

Proofreading vs editing: What’s the difference?

Although the terms proofreading and editing are sometimes (wrongly) interchanged, there are some differences between proofreading and editing as we pointed out above.

Proofreading vs editing difference

Our team of proofreaders and editors is ready for your text

  • We always match our clients with the proofreders and editors that best suit their needs, based on the industry and other requirements such as the type of text.
  • If you are looking for proofreading or editing services in a language other than English, our pool of linguists cover the main European languages, as well as the Scandinavian languages.
  • We work with all the major formats including MS Word, PDF, MS PowerPoint, Google Docs, Plain Text, MS Excel, Rich Text, Keynote, Google Slides, Google Sheets, ODT, Illustrator and InDesign.

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Want to translate a catalogue or a user manual? Need your website in three languages? Looking for a copywriter in a foreign language? Contact us for a quote!